Azure Devops


Responsibilities for this role include designing and implementing strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure, source control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback.


Azure Administrator


  • AZ-400
Duration 1 Month
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  • Configure processes and communications

    • Configure activity traceability and flow of work
    • Configure collaboration and communication
  • Design and implement source control

    • Design and implement a source control strategy
    • Plan and implement branching strategies for the source code
    • Configure and manage repositories
  • Design and implement build and release pipelines

    • Design and implement pipeline automation
    • Design and implement a package management strategy
    • Design and implement pipelines
    • Design and implement deployments
    • Design and implement infrastructure as code
    • Maintain pipelines
  • Develop a security and compliance plan

    • Design and implement a strategy for managing sensitive information in
    • automation
    • Automate security and compliance scanning
  • Implement an instrumentation strategy

    • Configure monitoring for a DevOps environment
    • Analyze metrics

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