Python & Django Course


We combine Python and Django into one course with the best training possible in Calicut through 5 modules. These modules contain everything you need to know about Python and Django with needful training.

Python and Django are popular tools for web development. In this course, you will learn Python, a programming language known for its simplicity and readability, and Django, a web framework built with Python. Django simplifies the process of building web applications by providing pre-built components and tools. With this combined training course, you will be able to write the best and most efficient code for different applications.




Duration 4 MONTHS
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  • Module 1

    • Introduction
    • Installation of python
    • Basic python concepts
    • Control structures
    • If statement
    • List operations
    • For loop
    • Boolean logic
    • Range
    • While loop
    • Logics of Programming
  • Module 2

    • Functions and Modules
    • Passing arguments to functions in python
    • Making function return value
    • Exception Handling
    • File Handling
    • Dictionaries
    • Dictionary functions
    • Tuple
    • List Slicing
    • List comprehension
    • String formatting
    • String functions
    • Functional programming
    • Lambdas in Python
    • Object oriented programming
    • Inheritance
    • Sets
    • Regular Expressions
    • Fibonacci series
  • Module 3

    • Create GUI apps in python using tkinter
    • MySQL
    • PyMySQL
    • Tkinter database connection
    • Python CRUD
    • Movie API
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Building database
    • PostgeSQL
  • Module 4

    • Django
    • Django Installation
    • Django App creation
    • Django basics
    • Static Website
    • Database connection and admin panel
    • Password verification
    • Login and Logout
    • Bootstrap
    • Django todo app
    • Django Project
  • Module 5

    • Ecommerce project
    • Template setup
    • Cart setup
    • API
    • Building Basic REST API using Django REST framework
    • Draw shapes
    • Mouse event
    • Blur methods
    • Color space
    • Object tracking
    • Video tracking
    • Simple threshold implementation
    • Hosting
  • Python + Django


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